You can find latest news from the Living with PCD study here.

Living with PCD (formerly COVID-PCD) is a research study that aims to answer emerging questions about primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD). Persons with confirmed or suspected PCD from anywhere in the world can participate. Participants receive a detailed questionnaire when they start the study. Extra questionnaires on special topics are sent from time to time.
On this website, you can find more information about the study, you can find updated results from the study, read about the study partners and study team, and you can find latest publications from the study.
The study is supported by PCD support groups from all over the world and the international PCD network BEAT-PCD (

The study receives funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (, SNSF 320030B_192804/1), the Swiss Lung Association (, SLA 2021-08_Pedersen), the Verein Kartagener Syndrom und Primäre Ciliäre Dyskinesie e. V., PCD Support UK, and PCD Australia.